Support us!

With your support, you help us to represent and strengthen the concerns of hemato-oncology patients in Switzerland and to enable important advances in the healthcare system.


Switzerland is a small, federalist country with a large number of different patient organizations.

There are also many different patient groups in the field of cancer and blood cancer. They are usually voluntary and have limited resources. They also often face similar barriers: lack of information, difficult fundraising, hurdles with authorities, clarification of the patient's role in the system, unresolved legal, medical, and social issues.

Your patient organization is active in the field of haemato-oncological diseases and is based in Switzerland.

Rights and duties
Each member organization is represented by one person on the Board and is entitled to vote. By joining HOPOS, you agree to the statutes published on the homepage.

Apply for your organization's membership.


As a patron, you support haemato-oncological patient organizations and their patients.

HOPOS is the first umbrella organization for haemato-oncology patient associations in Switzerland. It campaigns for the overarching concerns of blood cancer patients. With the merger of various patient organizations, the aim is to achieve a bundled and targeted political and social voice at the national level.

As a non-profit umbrella organization, HOPOS does not seek financial gain. Both the board of directors and the advisory board therefore work on a voluntary basis. With your contribution, you help us to continuously represent and strengthen the concerns of haemato-oncological patients in the Swiss public, politics, and research and to set important milestones in the system. You determine the amount of your donation yourself. Upon request, patrons will also receive a donation receipt for their tax records.

How do I become a patron?
I can transfer my donation directly to the HOPOS bank account using the donation form on this page.

Mention by name as a benefactor
You can decide whether or not you would like to be mentioned by name on the website as a benefactor. If we do not receive a corresponding message from you, patrons will not be mentioned.

Thank you very much for your support!


More and more companies or institutions want to support a voluntary non-profit institution or one of its projects over a longer period of time in a targeted and expedient way. Especially in the case of larger contributions, project-specific support makes sense.

HOPOS is pursuing various projects aimed at increasing public relations work, strengthening its influence in health policy, and gaining a greater say in research and development. Behind the three strategic goals are specific measures of whose benefit and effectiveness we are convinced. With a sponsorship of CHF 5,000 or more, you can set specific accents and give one or more of these innovative projects the chance to be realized.

How does HOPOS use its sponsorship contribution?
HOPOS as an umbrella organization pursues its mission and vision in the sense of haemato-oncological patient organizations in research, public relations, and health policy. With your sponsorship, you support us in the longer term and/or on a project-oriented basis.

With the kind support of:

The financial support of the above-mentioned companies enabled us to found HOPOS, to take the logistics of the umbrella organization in hand, to carry out the first public relations work and to begin to give hemato-oncological patients a voice - thank you very much!
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